Cooler Days, More Play Outside

WG on a stump.jpg

November 8, 2019

We had a lovely day together! It was cold, but dry. Of course, many of your little ones seem to strip off their layers very quickly!

After a time of gratitude, we gathered around a warm fire and had a bit of theatre. Many children enjoyed acting out a scene they experienced in Nature and we all had fun guessing! Maybe your kiddo is paying a bit more attention to the natural world in the hopes that they have some news to share for next program...

We heard a story about a night in the forest during the Full Moon. Did any of you get a chance to see ours on Tuesday?

We played a large group game called Storm on the Sea. Perhaps you heard about the different sea creatures trying to survive the storm. There were even a cluster of barnacles taking cover ;)

We spent the rest of our day wandering the land, jumping in maple leaf piles, and harvesting nettle stalks. Some of us even did a short, quiet practice in the meadow called a Sit Spot.

This group settles in so nicely to their play and we are so honored to spend
time with them each week. Thank you!